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Cafe of Life Longmont offers an excellent service in combining chiropractic and massage services to best suite their customer’s needs.  The process starts with a thorough evaluation by their chiropractor, Dr. Jessica Thompson.  She save’s clients money and guess by determining which  therapy is appropriate for the individual.  Dr. Jessica performs her evaluation and then recommends either chiropractic or massage, and sometimes both.  Each client’s situation is different, and sometimes she only recommends chiropractic treatment, and other times she only recommends massage.  Other times she recommends massage followed up with chiropractic and vice versa.  For example, massage can relax the muscles around a subluxation where it makes the chiropractic adjustment more effective and longer lasting.

Cafe of Life Longmont may also incorporate laser therapy into the treatment process for addressing lower back pain, neck pain, and more. Proper evaluation is the key in determining the proper treatment plan.  That’s where Longmont Chiropractor Jessica Thompson brings significant value to her customers.

For more information, contact:

Cafe of Life Longmont
1325 Dry Creek Dr #307
Longmont, CO 80503
(303) 827-3541
Longmont Chiropractor