Here at Longmont Business Marketing, we’re scratching our heads! We’re really surprised by how much marketing money is being spent by small businesses on marketing strategies that simply don’t provide return on investment. We are repeatedly hearing from small businesses in the Longmont area that they’re spending big money and not getting many calls from… Read more »
Posts Categorized: blog
Small Business Marketing Tip – Don’t Sell to Customers, Help Them to Buy
Too often small businesses fall into the trap of “trying to sell something” to their customers. As a result, the potential customer feels like it’s a one-sided deal, or the deal favors the small business (seller). Customers get the impression “This guy is trying to sell me something, and it’s not clear to me why… Read more »
Marketing Mix Optimization
Marketing Mix Optimization is a term used to describe how marketing investments are spent across marketing activities (media, campaigns, advertisements, etc.) and how this aligns with customer purchasing behavior. If your Longmont Business is investing a significant amount of your marketing spend in an area that is driving a very small return for your business,… Read more »
Local Small Business Networking Opportunities
As more small businesses migrate to the internet by establishing websites there is an opportunity for small, local marketing firms to network their customers together, so they can leverage each other’s customer base. Local business networking isn’t a new concept, but it’s typically managed by large international marketing firms that offer local chapters where small… Read more »
Keeping Longmont Small Businesses in Business
As we all know, the corporate superstores keep taking business away from local proprietors, and obviously this trend is going to continue unless small business’ fight back. Think about it. Not that long ago (relatively speaking), small businesses provided the products and services that keep our local economy going. The money exchanged hands locally… Now… Read more »
Longmont: Google-y eyed city!
xcerpt from Longmont Daily Times Call: Google announced Feb. 10 that it plans to install a fiber-to-the-home network that will deliver Internet speeds of 1 gigabit a second — more than 100 times faster than what most people have today — at competitive prices… Click here for the full article.
Longmont Says: Google Us!
Longmont Daily Times Call — Google is looking for a handful of cities around the nation where the company would build and test ultra-high-speed broadband networks. And what Google is planning to do is exactly what Longmont has been trying to do for 13 years. Click here for the full article.
Almost Half of the Entire US Population is on the Internet
According to “Internet World Stats”, over 46% of the US population is now using the internet. For details, see the article from Internet World Stats.
Local Seacrh is on the move!
Excerpt – “The number of U.S. searches grew 31 percent across all media platforms between June 2008 and June 2009 (21.9 billion searches in June 2009), according to a new study by TMP Directional Marketing.” Check out this Webpro news article.